Author & Illustrator: Patricia Polacco

Publisher: Philomel Books (A division of The Putnam & Grosset Book Group)

Description: An egg-ceptional show! LeVar finds out that an egg is everything it's cracked up to be...and more. Viewers will gain a new appreciation for the egg, in art and nature. Patricia Polacco, the author/illustrator of RECHENKA'S EGGS, demonstrates the traditional Ukrainian egg-painting art called pysanky.

Activity Suggestion: Something magical happened when the goose laid perfectly painted eggs for Babushka. Try some magic. Have students use wax (i.e. a candle or pieces of canning wax) to do a drawing or write a message on paper. To discover what has been written or drawn, color the paper with a watercolor wash. Since the waxed paper portions of the paper will resist color--the image will appear as if by magic.

For activity ideas beyond what is listed, contact Canadian Learning CompanyŽ for information about obtaining a teacher's guide. Call 1-800-267-2977.

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