Author: Frane' Lessac

Publisher: J. B. Lippincott (pb. Harper & Row Trophy)

Description: In MY LITTLE ISLAND, a little boy takes his best friend to visit the Caribbean island where he was born. The book truly comes alive when LeVar visits this same beautiful island, Montserrat, in the West Indies. As he tours the island, viewers experience the many colors and sights of this tropical paradise, including the unique flowers and unusual fruits like pawpaws, mangoes and breadfruit lays.

Activity Suggestion: As a writing project, have the children plan a vacation in their town for a visiting friend (real or imaginary). Have them think about things that are fun and interesting to do and see. Students can make up a day-by-day tour guide that lists the exciting things for a guest to do while visiting.

For activity ideas beyond what is listed, contact Canadian Learning CompanyŽ for information about obtaining a teacher's guide. Call 1-800-267-2977.

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