Author: Patricia Polacco

Published by: Bantam Little Rooster Books

Narrated by: Reizl Boyzk and Rick English

Description: MRS. KATZ AND TUSH is the heartwarming story of a special relationship that transcends age and cultural differences. LeVar celebrates the beauty and value of cross-cultural relationships as he visits his very own "bubee" and learns to make challah.

Activity Suggestion: If the community has a Senior Citizen organization or a Senior Center, ask one or more seniors to join the class to share information about their lives. In return, students could share information about themselves and their families. Seniors could join the class on a regular basis for planned activities and perhaps to read to students.

For activity ideas beyond what is listed, contact Canadian Learning CompanyŽ for information about obtaining a teacher's guide. Call 1-800-267-2977.

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